Philodendron Gloriosum. A hybrid of two spectacular philodendrons. Philodendron gloriosum is not a climber it runs.
Philodendron Gloriosum Sisakasvi Philodendron Kukkien Istutus from
Melanochrysum was known as p. Gloriosum doesn t form a neat little rosette of leaves like philodendron moonlight or find a tree to climb like p. A hybrid of two spectacular philodendrons.
When it comes to fertilizing philodendron gloriosum appreciates being fed with a high quality liquid foliage houseplant fertilizer that is rich is macro nutrients.
Medium to bright indirect light although they can withstand a few hours of direct sunlight if acclimated water. It was listed as a philodendron gloriosum and i suspected it was actually a p. Greenspaces id is a startup that tries to bring green space wherever you are both in indonesia or other parts of the world. Medium to bright indirect light although they can withstand a few hours of direct sunlight if acclimated water.